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“NEW An 8-Language Wordbook For Name-creation” was published

On 10th September 2005, “NEW An 8-Language Wordbook For Name-creation” edited by Keiko Yokoi was published from SANSEIDO.

It’s the multilingual language dictionary which can be looked up a word with 7 foreign languages (English, Latin, Greek, Spanish, French, Italian, and German) from approx. 8,000 of Japanese words which are useful for naming.

The first edition “An 8-Language Wordbook For Name-creation” could have been reprinted with your supports, however, a need of words for naming has been changing together with changing of the time. This time’s “NEW An 8-Language Wordbook For Name-creation” was reborn as more convenient dictionary. In it, the key words seemed to be necessary for Naming Development were increased, and the 17 kinds of the headlines were printed with introduction of “Naming technique and knowledge”, trees, flowers, color, jewelry and so on.

Please use this new dictionary as the word source for naming to create the hit items.

“NEW An 8-Language Wordbook For Name-creation” is at the bookshops across Japan, or you can order it online of SANSEIDO.

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